He Said - He Said
Throughout history, patriarchal customs have influenced the perception of womanhood and dictated the ways in which women should behave. This has resulted in the majority assuming that women are only capable of certain actions and roles, limiting their potential.
In the workplace, gender inequality is often observed, particularly in the treatment of working women. Women are frequently placed in positions of lesser importance, influence, or power, perpetuating inequitable gender treatment. This assignment explores some of the challenges that working women face in comparison to their male counterparts in today's world.

"He Said - He Said" is an illustrative zine addressing gender inequality for women around the globe. It challenges historical patriarchal biases that confine women to limited belief, offering a nuanced exploration of the challenges women face today.
It's illustrated format communicates the multifaceted struggles of women in various professional settings, raising awareness and fostering thought to promote a more equitable ecosystem.
The zine is a combination of visual art and social commentary, effectively highlighting a global perspective of incidents through a woman's perspective.